Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend at home

We got a lot accomplished in two days here in the Gustafson household. Joey replaced the alternator in the Ford with Grandpa Craig on Saturday while I graded essays. Then we started cleaning out Natalie's new room and got her new big girl bed set up. We're getting close to moving her upstairs! She's really excited. Then today, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went to Calhoun this morning before planting flowers and playing at the YMCA's splash pad with Alana and her brood. Next weekend it's supposed to be even nicer outside, so we'll undoubtedly spend a lot of it outside!

Natalie hasn't been napping all that well. We found her room like this after her "nap" on Saturday. It was funny, until we realized she used an entire package of wipes on her baby doll. You can kind of see the pile in her bed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!!!

Natalie had a hard day of work yesterday at the cabin and she currently is enjoying a well-earned nap. Whenever she finally wakes up we're headed to see Grandpa Kent and Grandma Lee!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Natalie has strep =(

We went to urgent care late yesterday because Natalie had a rash to go along with her fever. The result is strep throat. She's sleeping soundly as we speak -- hopefully she gets back to full speed in a hurry...