Monday, March 1, 2010

Still on track

Mom and baby are each doing great. 22 weeks and 1 day today, and the ultra-sound confirmed we are right on schedule (still due on July 4th). Though I couldn't convince Sarah to find out the sex, everything checked out normal/great!!!

Natalie is very excited about the pictures, as you can see above. She also is excited to type, so I'll let her close this one out:

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Alana said...

can't believe you're already half-way to baby! WOW! And to Natalie, skkkkkkkkffff0000\\\\\\nnnndmM.

Kent Heaner said...

It looks like a boy to me... you can kind of see a, um, well, looks like a boy. Natalie, GRMUMPAH LOOVIS BOO..