Wednesday, February 27, 2008


A successful marriage is rooted in teamwork, and that's why it's not necessary to single out individuals. So I don't think we need to focus on who "changed" Natalie's diaper last night (and forgot to put a new diaper on her).

We learned of this oversight when Natalie filled her outfit (and the swing) with plenty of urine, which was fun. So in case you were wondering, no our little girl is not yet potty trained.


Lee said...

That is so funny! I really wonder WHO skipped the diaper. . .hmmmm. . .been meaning to tell you, Sweetness, that you are getting more adorable every day. We hope to see you soon; we are pretty sure our premises is now sickness free. We love you guys.

Amber said...

HA HA LOL LOL LOL oh my! I am laughing so hard, I am going to cry! I can't wait to have "teamwork" mishaps like this!!! LOL