Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tears and no tears

We took Natalie to the doctor today because her eye is all gooped up with crustiness, yes, that's the technical term for her condition. Apparently, her tear duct is still blocked, which is what the diagnosis of her crustiness was when she was just a baby (2 weeks old). Now the big girl (near 3 MONTHS old) is still having problems with the duct not draining into the nose, which is supposed to happen. It's the dry air that's causing swelling in her nose thus preventing the draining. A whole bunch of words meaning, don't worry, it will go away as soon as the dry air pushes its way out of here. So don't worry if you catch goopiness in the pics, we just need a humid rainy month and she'll be fine!
Natalie also took her first trip to the airport today with daddy. They dropped Grandma Linda off for her trip to Texas (lucky lady!). Father and daughter are enjoying the precious few days they have left together during the days. Daddy goes back to work on Monday, so you may get a tear-filled post from me on Natalie's first day of daycare.

1 comment:

Alana said...

E's eye was crusty for months...and she turned out OK....well, OK enough...